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Ashdown Primary School

Covid 19

Y2 Rabbits



Please contact me using the following email address if you have any questions or queries: arickard@ashdown.e-sussex.sch.uk 


Current Learning 
This term, our learning thread is How Toys Have Changed? We will be developing our knowledge of how toys have changed over years and discuss the toys our relatives played with in the past and any similarities or differences to the toys we play with today.  
Our Writing focus will start with, 'The Robot and The Bluebird, a lovely story about friendship  and we will plan and write our own narrative based on the Robot in the story. We will then continue to apply our reading and writing skills through non-fiction texts, with a focus on the history of toys.  
In Maths, we will apply our skills and extend our existing knowledge on money. We will also focus on multiplication and division using our reasoning skills to explain our answers. 
This term we will use our design, make and evaluating skills to look at toys and how they are made with a focus on axles. 


Rabbits 24-25



Learning Letters


Curriculum Overview