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Ashdown Primary School

Covid 19

            Y1 Hedgehogs

Please contact me using the following email addresses if you have any questions or queries: aharris@ashdown.e-sussex.sch.uk 



Our learning thread this term is Me and My World, where we will be explorers and find out about the world around us. Our key text is The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers, a story about a boy who has an adventure to the moon. This will be followed by a non-fiction unit about journeys into space. In Science, we will be learning to know the five senses and the associated parts of the body, and in Geography we will learn about the hot and cold areas of the world. Our key thread is PSHE, where we will be reinforcing the golden rules. We will also be learning to understand the importance of treating others with respect and tolerance and developing self-belief and self-value. 


Learning Letters


Curriculum Overview