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Ashdown Primary School

Covid 19

            Y1 Hedgehogs

Please contact me using the following email addresses if you have any questions or queries: aharris@ashdown.e-sussex.sch.uk 



Our learning thread this term is Fire, Fire! We will be historians and find out about the Great Fire of London, why it started, how it changed London and how we know about it. We will also be comparing houses and firefighters, then and now. To complement this, we will be designing and building Tudor-style houses in DT, so please start collecting those cereal boxes! We are excited about the upcoming visit from a professional Storyteller, who will help us see the events of the Great Fire from different perspectives. Our key text is The Queen's Hat by Steve Anthony, which we will use to inspire our own stories. 


Hedgehogs 24-25


Learning Letters


Curriculum Overview