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Ashdown Primary School

Covid 19

Life Choices and Careers Related Learning information for parents

Life Choices and Careers Related Learning is cleverly woven into the curriculum so that your child is always aware of opportunities available to them when thinking about choices they want to make in life and jobs they would like to do when they are older. For example; during science, children learn that they could be a scientist who invents something new or continue the work of existing scientists. During PSHE&C, children take part in discussions about choices they can make about their lives and who they could talk to about pursuing their hopes and dreams. Whenever we have a visitor in school or when we go out to visit places, we also include jobs and roles of the people we meet and talk about what they do and what they may have done previously to be able to do the job that they are doing now.

Throughout the year, we focus on the following Six Skills: Resilience, Communication, Respect, Teamwork (including problem solving), Independence and Staying Positive. These skills also link to the school values and Golden Rules. Our aim is that these close links will encourage the integration of these skills into the regular language used around the school and in all their learning.

Which of our focus skills do you think these jobs require?


What can you do to support your child?

Please talk about the job that you do, where you go and what you had to do to get it. You might not have a salaried job so you could talk to your child about what you do during your day and why you do this. Life choices is also an important part of this so you could talk about decisions you have made in your lives to be where you are in your life today.

Do you have a passion for ensuring children are highly skilled and ready for their next steps? Do you think that preparing the children now for their future life choices is a good idea? Would you be willing to discuss your career or life choice with the children and linking this to our focus skills? If the answer to these questions is yes, we would love you to get in contact with your child's teacher and find out how you could help support the learning of life choices and careers related learning as well as areas of the wider school curriculum.


See the gallery below for some of what happened during Life Choices and Careers Related Learning Week...

Life Choices and Careers Related Learning Week








              Chef          Scientist      Shop Assistant     Builder             Doctor         Journalist