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Ashdown Primary School

Covid 19


Parents are always welcome in the school. An appointment is not always needed to see the Headteacher or Head of School but a school is a busy place and you may have to wait for the Head to be free. An appointment is advisable for anything that will take more than a few minutes and this can be arranged through the school office.

Our teachers are available at the end of the school day to talk over minor issues. If you wish to discuss anything for more than a few minutes then please speak directly to the teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time.

We welcome parent volunteers in the school and you can help in a number of ways, for example, listening to reading and helping on school trips. As part of our commitment to child safeguarding all volunteers in school must undergo a police check which requires completion of a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) form. These forms can be obtained from the school office. 

We operate a text messaging service for parents so that we can keep parents updated and remind them about activities going on in the school. Please ensure that you notify the school if your mobile number changes.