Admission Primary School has a two form intake in September (60 places).
If you would like your child to come to Ashdown Primary and they are not yet school age, please come to our open day/evening in November the year before they are due to start, where you will have a tour of each site and hear from the children and key staff about what our school can offer.
Information about the application process for this academic year can be found at
East Sussex County Council produces a Primary School Admissions Booklet which can be downloaded from this link and provides further information on the application process.
Continue reading for information about starting our school in other year groups.
To apply for a place outside of the Reception Admissions round, please follow the process outlined here:
We currently have a few places in some year groups. For more details please call the school office on 01892 655846.
If you live outside East Sussex and are interested in your child attending Ashdown Primary School, you should apply through the local authority in which you live. Your authority will then pass the details of your application to East Sussex County Council for School Admissions to consider. Your ‘home authority’ will be responsible for letting you know the outcome of your application.
We actively encourage prospective families to visit our school, as this is the best way to determine whether Ashdown Primary School is the right school for your child. We run school tours usually on the last Wednesday of every month. We will be running the following tours:
Wednesday 31st January | 9:30am infant site | 2pm junior site |
Wednesday 28th February | 1:30pm Infant site | 2:30pm junior site |
Wednesday 27th March | 1:30pm infant site | 2:30pm junior site |
Please call the school office to make an appointment to come and see our school in action.
Once you know your child has a place at our school the arrangements for starting in reception will be sent out to you but consist of a number of transition events as well as a visit to your home by your child's teacher. Please click here for our "getting ready for school" leaflet.
If your child is starting in another year group you will be asked to meet with the Head of School to discuss your child and their transition, and at least one taster day will be offered. The date your child will begin will also be discussed at this meeting.
Starting school for the first time or moving between year groups/different schools can be a very daunting process for children. We endeavour to help make this easier and less stressful if both children and parents.
Please click here for details of our transition arrangements.
We welcome you and your family to our school community.
Click here to go to the prospective parents page.