Ashdown Primary School has a governing body made up of volunteers from the parent body, staff and local community.
The Governing Board is answerable to parents and the wider community. It is the schools’ accountable body and when the school undergoes an Ofsted inspection the governing body is included by Ofsted as part of the Leadership & Management element of the inspection.
School governors perform a valuable job in helping to ensure that children learn in a safe stimulating environment. Governors are an integral part of the school team, helping to drive forward continuous improvement by supporting, challenging and holding to account the Executive Headteacher and other members of the school’s leadership team.
The Full Governing Board (FGB) meets six times per year using the "circle" model of school governance. They monitor the school’s finance, premises, health and safety, etc; as well as the quality of learning and teaching, standards and progress in learning, attendance data, etc. Other committees, such as the Pay Committee or Headteacher Performance Management, meet as they are required.
Our Chair of Governors is Andrew Whiteley, he can be contacted directly on: with Alisa Fowler the Vice-Chair
Our clerk (Cheryl Adams) can be contacted directly on:
All governors are concerned with the safeguarding of children however Andrew Whiteley is our Safeguarding Lead governor and Ian Stewart is the school's Health & Safety governor. Janet Hogg is the governor with responsibility for SEND, Looked-After Children and Inclusion with support from Alisa Fowler.