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Ashdown Primary School

Covid 19

EYFS Ladybirds 

Ladybug facts and photos


Please contact me using the following email addresses if you have any questions or queries: mthomas@ashdown.e-sussex.sch.uk


Term 3

Our learning this term focuses on Amazing Animals.  We will listen to and talk about stories about animals and work on developing our sentence skills.  We will also look at non-fiction texts to help the children learn about different types of animals and the habitats in which they live.

We will have a visitor from Raystede who will talk to us about animals as pets and visit The British Wildlife Centre in Lingfield for a fun filled day of outdoor learning.

In maths, we will be comparing numbers to 5, looking at mass and capacity and making pairs and in independent learning time we will continue to provide opportunities for the children to learn through play, show resilience when faced with challenges and moderate their feelings.

Ladybirds Class Term 1

Take a look and see what we have been doing this term!


Learning Letters