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Ashdown Primary School

Covid 19

Ashdown Actioneers!

                                                                                         Ashdown Primary School , Crowborough     

                                                                          CommunityAction » Who are we

Each site has its own representatives that work as one team of Actioneers.

At the both  sites, two representatives from each class (1-6) are elected once a year to form the Actioneers.

The children who believe they would make Amazing Ashdown Actioneers create a poster which is displayed in school and then are asked to explain why they would make  an effective Actioneer. This is followed by a vote in class to elect two representatives.

The Ashdown Actioneers meet at least twice a term  with Mrs. Harris at the Infant site and Mrs. King at the Junior site.

If you have any questions please contact us through our emails on the staff page.


Junior Actioneers

Watch this space for the new Junior Actioneers!


Infant Actioneers


Watch this space for the new Infant Ashdown Actioneers!




Junior Site News



 At the Junior Site, the Actioneers are elected by the pupils annually and we have two representatives from each class. The team meets with Mrs. King (Actioneer Leader)  to discuss the focus for the term and what we will do to help improvements for all.




 Infant site news

At the Infant Site, the Actioneers are elected by the pupils annually and we have two representatives from each class. The team meets with Mrs. Harris (Actioneer Leader)  to discuss the focus for the term and what we will do to help improvements for all.