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Ashdown Primary School

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 Hello, and welcome to the Arundel page. My name is Mr Gray and I am proud to be the House Leader for Arundel. Check here for updates of all things Arundel; inter-house competitions, house successes, and updates on non-uniform days if we win the termly house point competition.







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 House Captains:

Jonah Wild    Hanna Mierzejewska



Term 3 Inter-House Competition:

University Challenge





This terms inter house competition is the return of the University challenge! It is a fantastic general knowledge quiz. You need to be in teams of 4 within your house and have one person per year group. You will then compete against other houses during assembly times during term 3 to find out our winners! The winning team gets to play a staff all-stars team... Good luck!

Term 2 Update



 In a close race, Arundel came 3rin the house competition, behind Scotney in 2nd and Bodiam in 1st. Well done to all the children in Arundel who have strived to show Respect, Resilience, Opportunity, Support, Trust and Citizenship this term, but lets aim higher next term! Next term the focus value is Opportunity- have a wonderful Christmas.


Term 2 Inter-House Competition:

Christmas Concert Poster Designs





This term, the Scotney house captains are running the house competition - design the front cover for the Christmas Concert. The house captains introduced the competition to everyone in assembly but, as a reminder, the competition rules are as follows:
  • The design must include the date (Wednesday 18th December 2024), a reference to it being a Christmas Concert and the Theme 'Christmas Through the Ages'.
  • The design must be laid out in portrait style on A4 paper

  • The design should be bright and colourful and can use pencil, felt tips or paint.

  • The closing date for the competition is Friday 7th December and all entries should be given to Mrs Birchard in 6 Birch with the child's name, class and house name on the back.
  • The Scotney house captains will choose the winning design and this will be used for the Christmas Concert programmes.


Congratulations to India in 5Aspen (Bodiam) for her winning design- it really made the Christmas Concert programmes look beautiful.


Inter- House Competition Results: 7/11/24




1st Place: Ben C (5 Aspen, Bodiam) with a tense, suspenseful horror story that made us feel like we were inside a nightmare.

2nd Place: Ellie (4Ginkgo, Hever) with a creative adventure story that used some strong verbs in its dialogue, and taught us about some rare animals.

3rd Place: Vivien (5Aspen, Hever) with a short but sweet story that personified a star and had a terrific ending that left us wanting more.


Well, unfortunately for us, there were no Arundel stories in the top 3. However, it was a very close thing, and there were some amazing stories from Arundel that just missed out on a top spot. The competition was fierce; we really have some excellent writers at our school, and there is no shame in losing to these winners as their stories were SO GOOD.

I'd like to thank Hanna and Jonah for their time in announcing, organising and judging for this competition. The judging particularly took an entire lunchtime, and their dedication is appreciated. I was proud of how much they made sure they applied the judging rules fairly and consistently, and accounted for age of participants when scoring the stories on the effectiveness of language they used.  Well done El Capitans, better luck next time Arundelians!


Term 1 Update



 In a close race, Arundel came 2nd in the house competition, a mere 9 points behind Hever. Well done to Hever., and well done to all the children in Arundel who have strived to show Respect, Resilience, Opportunity, Support, Trust and Citizenship.


Term 1 Inter-house competition:

Creative Writing





Well done to Hanna and Jonah for introducing the competition to the school in their first 'big' official job as House Captains!

Information about the Arundel house competition: It is a story-writing competition. This will be running alongside the BBC 500 words competition running, which gives any extra information and top tips:


These criteria will be used to judge and when the competition ends, the children will be encouraged to submit their stories to the official competition, which closes the day after Arundel's finishes.

Dates: The competition will start Friday 18th October and run over half term to be handed in on Wednesday 6th November. 1st , 2nd and 3rd places are being awarded. The Arundel house captains, Hanna and Jonah, will then read and decide the winners at Wednesday lunchtime and announce the winners in celebration assembly on 7th November.


  • 1st place will receive 40 house points 

  • 2nd Place will receive  20 house points

  • 3rd Place will receive 10 house points


Term 1 Update



Welcome back everyone and, to the new Year 3s, welcome to the Juniors. It's a pleasure to have some new Arundelians. Did anyone visit Arundel over the summer holidays? Let me (Mr Gray) know if you did! 

Very soon, the new Year 6s will have the opportunity to apply for the position of house captain. It's a big responsibility, but I know there are several children who are more than up to the task. The staff will vote on this and at that point we will announce the new captains. Year 6s, start thinking about how you will prove you are a worthy candidate!

There will be a house competition later on in the term, with details to follow. In the meantime, try to demonstrate the six school values as much as possible to gain house points, and therefore more chance of having a house non-uniform day. The school values are:

  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Opportunity
  • Support
  • Trust
  • Citizenship

Respect is the focus in Term 1. Good luck everyone, and let's have a stupendous year!



Click here to learn more about Arundel Castle