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Ashdown Primary School

Covid 19

6Gardenia 2024-25


Mr Gray

(Class Teacher)





Mrs Thomas

(Teaching Assistant)



Mrs Jarman

(PPA Cover: PE)

Ms Vanderstappen

(PPA cover: French)

Please contact me using the following email address if you have any questions or queries on: agray@ashdown.e-sussex.sch.uk


Class Information



PPA (Planning, preparation and assessment) time will be on Thursday afternoons this term. Mrs Jarman will be teaching PE and Ms Vanderstappen will be teaching French.
PE times will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please could you ensure that your child's kit is fully labelled.
Times tables will be tested on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please make use of:

Spellings will be tested daily from the statutory Year 5 and 6 spelling list, as well as the Year 3 and 4 list, both of which you can find here: 





Please see the slides below from our pre-PGl  information meeting:

year 6 pgl parents meeting september 2024.pdf


Current Learning 

Our topic for term 1 has a PSHCE and History focus and is: 'What makes societies civilised?' We will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians, starting with an analysis of the timeline of major events in the history of this fascinating civilisation.  We will then go on to compare these with what life was like in Britain during that period of time and learn about Egyptologists, pharaohs, mummification and the ceremony of death and the pyramids. We have been lucky enough to secure a visit from "Mr Egypt", who will be running a fascinating workshop for the children at the end of October - more details to follow!
If you are interested in looking at some websites in preparation for our topic work: